Manipura Karnataka
Club Information
  • Club ID: 82921
  • District ID: 3182
  • Meeting day and time: Tuesday - 06:30PM
  • Address: Rotary BhavanaUdupi TalukKarnatakaIndia
Manipura Karnataka
Donating instruction board to PHC Home Club: Manipura Karnataka
Our club donated instruction board to PHC. PHC is situated little inside the road so for the convenience of the people our club donated the board and ...
Manipura Karnataka
Paddy cultivation demonstration to stude... Home Club: Manipura Karnataka
Today we arranged demonstration of paddy cultivation to the students of Manipura high school. More than 80 students and teachers of the school activel...
Manipura Karnataka
Afforestation - Vanamahotsava Home Club: Manipura Karnataka
Today our club conducted vanamahotsava program. Club planted saplings in government land at kunthalanagara. President Rtn sudheer kumar other Rotarian...
Manipura Karnataka
Awareness seminar about prevention of De... Home Club: Manipura Karnataka
Our club organised seminar about prevention of Dengue and cancer. Seminar held at Govt highschool Manipura. Health officers explained how to take care...